I can be humble and STILL pop my sh*t!
Has anyone ever tried to make you feel inferior about who you are? because they weren't comfortable with who they are? If the answer is no good for you! If the answer is YES then listen up.. its NOT you .. it's them. You would be surprised at how many people in this world that can't own their power or be confident in their own skin, so they look at someone like YOU who knows their power, who owns their confidence and start to grow envious they troll your comments just to spread hurtful hate speech because deep down inside they hate themselves for having a weak support system or they allowed FEAR of being judged take over!
But MESSAGE to the trolls all of that projecting your self hate on other people STOPS TODAY!
Knowing and feeling highly of yourself should never be seen as a curse! It's beautiful and sexy to be completely honest!
It's the simple humans in this world that cause all of the problems and confusion. I say we get a petition going to get them banned from the planet, and to the humans that know their powerful, and know that their special but can't seem to tap into themselves, join the superior team it's fun, freeing, and you glow effortlessly!